Quick answers to questions on parliamentary procedure


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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Open Meetings

Q: I am wondering where I would look to find something I can print that tells if the Texas Open Meetings Act takes precedence over Robert's Rules Of Order.

The answer to this question can be found in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised: "Aside from rules of parliamentary procedure and the particular rules of an assembly, the actions of any deliberative body are also subject to applicable procedural rules prescribed by local, state, or national law and would be null and void if in violation of such law" (RONR, p. 3-4)

If your organization is subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act, then it must follow those laws. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is designed to encompass all the procedural needs of an organization that are not first covered in statute, your organization's bylaws, and your organization's special rules. Look to these first and then look to RONR for the answer. In conclusion, laws take precedence over RONR.

Check first to see if your organization falls under the Texas Open Meetings Act, which usually applies only to government entities. I recommend reviewing the following document from the Texas Attorney General web site:  http://www.oag.state.tx.us/AG_Publications/pdfs/openmeetings_easy.pdf

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