Quick answers to questions on parliamentary procedure


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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Idle Chatter

Q. We have a problem with members talking to each other during our meeting. Do you have a diplomatic way to address this problem?

I would announce the following at the beginning of the next meeting: "The chair will be formally following Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised for this meeting. Only one person may speak at a time and no one may speak until they first obtain recognition from the chair."

This is the most basic of all rules. It goes back to what we learned in kindergarten when the teacher insisted that we be recognized before speaking. The problem is that your members are the ones who are being rude, so in my opinion, there is no need to worry about being diplomatic. Be firm and be fair, and when they fall back into their bad habits, remind firmly again. It is the job of every presiding officer to do this.

A meeting cannot disintegrate into casual conversations and still be a meeting. When they start talking to each other simply state: "Ms. Smith is the only person recognized to speak at this time." Or you may remind them: "Please direct all remarks through the chair."

Remember that you are doing this to help your organization. Sometimes a little tough love goes a long way. Good luck!

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